Welcome to Employed.world

Welcome to Employed.


A Berlin based UX community creating events and discussions to help a job seeker navigate their way in finding their first UX job.

We’re here to facilitate smoother entry for aspiring UX professionals and help you land that coveted job

We’re here to facilitate smoother entry for aspiring UX professionals and help you land that coveted job

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Past events

Past events

Check them out!

Mentorship Program

Mentorship Program

Are you looking for guidance and support in your UX or Product job search? Our experienced mentors are here to help you navigate the challenges and achieve your career goals.  Receive advice on building and refining your resume and portfolio, Get insights into the latest industry trends and best practices, Learn new strategies to improve your job search and interview preparation. Get support throughout your job search journey. 

This program is fully funded by the German Employment Agency, making it accessible to all registered individuals. If you're not already registered, don't worry—everyone can sign up and take advantage of mentoring.

Are you looking for guidance and support in your UX or Product job search? Our experienced mentors are here to help you navigate the challenges and achieve your career goals.  Receive advice on building and refining your resume and portfolio, Get insights into the latest industry trends and best practices, Learn new strategies to improve your job search and interview preparation. Get support throughout your job search journey. 

This program is fully funded by the German Employment Agency, making it accessible to all registered individuals. If you're not already registered, don't worry—everyone can sign up and take advantage of mentoring.

Are you looking for guidance and support in your UX or Product job search? Our experienced mentors are here to help you navigate the challenges and achieve your career goals.  Receive advice on building and refining your resume and portfolio, Get insights into the latest industry trends and best practices, Learn new strategies to improve your job search and interview preparation. Get support throughout your job search journey. 

This program is fully funded by the German Employment Agency, making it accessible to all registered individuals. If you're not already registered, don't worry—everyone can sign up and take advantage of mentoring.

What Mentees Say

What Mentees


Recommended 100%! The last meetups I attended, I was lucky to meet very professional mentors who gave me really good advice and insights about the job market and my specific skills. It also gave me the possibility to meet other designers and share different backgrounds/ experiences. And also the organization was great! 👏🏼

Rebeca Fernandex

During the mentoring sessions, I realized the power of my soft skills and learned to embrace them. I also got trusted with design methodologies that help me defend my work and perform as a competitive professional. Overall, the program has been incredibly beneficial, significantly boosting my confidence and skills.

María Hauber Ortiz

We are educational partners of IxDF Berlin

We are educational partners of IxDF Berlin

Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF)

IxDF is the biggest online design school, offers a special 25% discount on its professional memberships for Employed.world subscribers.


Some of the organizations in Berlin supported us so far:

Employed World Events

Take a sneak peak into our past events

Product & UX Meet-up @ N26

Product & UX Meet-up @ N26

UX Watch Party with Jeff Humble on "How to Design a UX Strategy".

UX Watch Party with Jeff Humble on "How to Design a UX Strategy".

2024 Employed.world © All rights reserved.

2024 Employed.world © All rights reserved.

2024 Employed.world © All rights reserved.


Helping UX designers finding their job faster